Tuesday, January 31, 2017

File Video Tidak Bisa Diputar Ini Penyebabnya Yang Wajib Kita Tahu

File Video Tidak Bisa Diputar Ini Penyebabnya Yang Wajib Kita Tahu

Penyebab File Video Tidak Bisa Diputar

Anda baru saja mendownload file video menarik. Anda merasa senang dan ingin segera memutarnya. Tapi ternyata file tersebut tidak bisa dibuka. Sebenarnya apa penyebab file video tidak bisa diputar?

Tidak adanya codec file video tersebut.

Codec merupakan suatu software yang bertugas mengkompresi dan mendekompresi suatu file. Ketika file multimedia disimpan, file tersebut akan dikompresi agar ukurannya tidak terlalu besar. Dan ketika file tersebut diputar, codec akan mendekompresi file tersebut.
Suatu media player belum tentu memiliki semua codec. Jadi apabila file video tersebut diputar dengan media player tanpa codec yang cocok, tentu saja file tersebut tidak bisa dibuka atau diputar.
Solusi untuk penyebab video tidak bisa diputar pertama ini adalah menggunakan media player dengan codec yang cocok. Rekomendasi saya untuk media player yang cukup kaya dengan berbagai codec adalah:
file video

1. Windows Media Player Classic (K-Lite Codec Pack)
Anda mendownloadnya gratis di website resminya. Setelah Anda install, WMPC akan menambahkan codec ke WMP default Anda. Dengan demikian WMP default dapat membuka file video yang lebih banyak formatnya. Jika tidak mau menggunakan WMP default, Anda juga dapat menggunakan WMPC.

2. Real Player
Favorit kedua saya. Kebanyakan file video saya yang tidak bisa diputar dengan WMPC, dapat diputar dengan Real Player. Bengan WMPC, pada Real Player Anda harus membuka file tersebut dengan aplikasi Real Player.
Untuk mendapatkan Real Player, silakan download gratis di website resminya. Ada dua versi Real Player, gratis dan berbayar. Namun menurut pengalaman saya, versi gratisnya sudah cukup bagus.

3. Quick Time
Selain berfungsi sebagai media player, Quick Time juga dapat menjadi add-on web browser. Terkadang ada file-file tertentu yang hanya bisa dibuka dengan web browser ber add-on Quick Time. Untuk mendapatkan Quick Time, silakan download di website aslinya.

File corrupt. Ya.. video tidak bisa diputar karena File Corrupt
Penyebab lain video tidak bisa diputar adalah file nya corrupt. Jika file sudah corrupt, mau tidak mau Anda harus mendapatkan kembali file tersebut. Entah dengan copy atau download ulang.
Untuk mengetahui file corrupt atau tidak, Anda dapat membandingkan file size file tersebut dengan file size yang tertera di website penyedia file. Jika jauh lebih kecil, biasanya file tersebut corrupt.
Semua cara sudah dicoba, tapi tetap saja video tidak bisa diputar
Apabila Anda sangat yakin telah melakukan berbagai usaha, dan yakin file video tersebut tidak corrupt, jalan terakhir yang bisa dilakukan adalah dengan mengubah format video tersebut (converting).

Demikian penyebab file video tidak bisa diputar. Semoga bermanfaat

Available link for download

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EaseUS Todo Backup Advanced Server 9 2 0 0 Avec KeyGen

EaseUS Todo Backup Advanced Server 9 2 0 0 Avec KeyGen

Download Now ( 100% Working Link )
EaseUS Todo Backup Advanced Server Avec KeyGen,easeus todo backup advanced server download,easeus todo backup workstation,easeus todo backup advanced server 5.8 serial key,EaseUS Todo Backup Advanced Server |,Tests et utilisation de EaseUS Todo Backup Advanced Server ,Backup Advanced Server ,EaseUS Todo Backup,Backup Advanced Server,EaseUS Todo Backup Advanced Server.,
EaseUS Todo Backup Advanced Server Avec KeyGen
Description:EaseUS Todo Backup Advanced Server - Puissant logiciel de sauvegarde pour Windows, Exchange, SQL Server. Solution rentable de
sauvegarde avec seulement 50% du prix des concurrents. processus de sauvegarde-à manipuler Facile à simplifier votre routine IT admin et dassurer la continuité de votre entreprise.

sauvegarde Exchange
Il suffit de sauvegarder Exchange Server 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003.

Système de sauvegarde
protection complète du système vous permet de sauvegarder facilement et à récupérer votre système dexploitation complet lorsque la catastrophe arrive.

Sauvegarde de fichiers
sauvegarde de niveau fichier vous permet de sauvegarder sélectivement certains fichiers, dossiers ou types de fichiers, y compris les fichiers de réseau partagé.

stockage de sauvegarde flexible
magasin de sauvegarde sur un disque dur local, disque dur externe, clé USB, NAS, serveur FTP ou un CD / DVD pour une double protection si une catastrophe se produit.

sauvegarde SQL
Soutien SQL Server 2008 R2, 2008, 2005, 2000 sauvegarde.

imagerie de disque
image disque au niveau des blocs rapidement et efficacement sauvegarde lintégralité du disque ou de volumes.

Soutenir la sauvegarde complète
La sauvegarde différentielle, sauvegarde incrémentielle et sauvegarde automatisée.

Caractéristiques de récupération:
- Reprise après sinistre facile pour MS SQL Server et MS Exchange Server.
- Récupérer rapidement lensemble de votre système de sauvegarde de Windows en quelques minutes à lemplacement dorigine ou nouvelle.
- Transfert de votre système Windows à partir dun PC à un autre, peu importe ce que le modèle que vous utilisez.
- Restaurer rapidement ce dont vous avez besoin, récupérer des fichiers granulaires, des dossiers, des volumes, ou à partir dune seule image de disque.
- Récupérer des fichiers et dossiers individuels à partir dune image de sauvegarde de fichiers sans restaurer une image entière.
- Reprise après sinistre pour Outlook Express ou Outlook 2003/2007/2010/2013/2016.
- Serveur PXE pour la récupération du métal nu, sans support de démarrage requis.

Quoi de neuf :
- 16T haute capacité support de disque dur pour tous les plans de sauvegarde critiques
- Tuned conception de linterface avec la facilité dutilisation pour le bon sauvegarde et processus de récupération

page daccueil - http://www.easeus.com

(1): Télécharger EaseUS Todo Backup Advanced Server À partir de la page daccueil
(2): exécuter le programme dinstallation
(3): Utilisez le KeyGen pour activer.
(4): Profitez et Support Développeurs, Acheter, ils le méritais!

EASEUS Todo Backup Advanced Server KeyGen

Téléchargement direct 

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Find Serial Key Crack Software Registration Code Product Key Using Google Hacking

Find Serial Key Crack Software Registration Code Product Key Using Google Hacking

Find Serial Key / Registration Code / Product Key For Any Software Using Google Hacking

This time I will explain to you that how you can "Find Serial Key / Registration Code for any software using Google Hacking" I assume. That most of you are using pirated software. Not everyone can afford to buy a program like Photoshop, which costs $ 699. In this case you can use an alternative, free software or you can download version, cracked pirated program. There is a large number of websites out there, where you can find the serial number and crack for any program, but most of them are not safe to use. In fact most of them are spam sites which "bombard" you with a full screen popup ads, or commandeer your computer to spam-loving. In this post I will show the most efficient way to download cracks and serial numbers without risk Your pc .. It is part of Hacking / Cracking use of "Google hacking".

Google Hacking: I will explain hack google in details in the next article very soon.But for the moment enough to know that, Google means hackers .. how you can search for all the desired information in a straightforward manner, using some Google search tricks.

Now in this article I will explain all the possible ways to find a key series
a.) Using Google
b.) Using Software Code
c.) Using the serial search site

Looking for Serial Key using Google:

To Get the serial number of google you should just follow these steps:

Looking for Serial Key using Google

  • Go to Google.
  • In the search field type: "Software Name" 94FBR
  • Where, "Software Name" is the name of the item you want to search for a serial number.
  • And in the google search results you will get a list of all the web sites where serial keys required software is available.Thats it! :-)


Very simple. 94FBR is part of Office 2000 Pro cd key that is widely distributed because it bypasses the activation requirements of Office 2K Pro. By searching for the product name and 94fbr, you guarantee two things. For more software tips and tricks bookmark All Crack Free Download.

Available link for download

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Monday, January 30, 2017

Download FolderIco Tebaru Full Version Gratis

Download FolderIco Tebaru Full Version Gratis

Cover N/A
Berhubung seorang teman meminta saya untuk mendownloadkan FolderIco ini, akhirnya sayapun mendownloadnya tapi sangat sulit sekali mencarinya (dalam artian yang full version), akhirnya saya noleh ke website torrent, dan taadah disana ada, lengkap dengan Serial Key FolderIco tapi hanya sampai updatean 2 saja/versi 2, sedangkan untuk versi terbaru FolderIco ini sudah versi 4, entah 4 RC berapa gitu.
Bagi yang belum tau, dengan software ini kamu dapat mengcustom Folder kamu, baik memberikan warna, Ikon, hingga gambar..pokoknya buat kamu nggk bosan ngliat dekstop kamu terus.
Dan sekarang kamu bisa mendownload FolderIco Latest Version 4 With Serial Key Free disini.

:: INFO ::

FolderIco allows to change the color of Windows folder in one click!
Customize Folder Icon and Color in One Click!


  • Organise your folders more easily
Dont you know how to change standard yellow folder to a colourful and bright one? With FolderIco, give some color to Windows folders. With just a one click, colorize your folders, and discover a new intuitive way to classify your files. A quick look is now enough to identify the folder you are looking for!
  • Classify your folders by priority
You can now classify your folders by priority. Red is an important folder, orange is urgent, green is no action needed... Choose the attributes that you like, so youll never delete an important folder in error.
  • A fast and light tool
FolderIco is a very light software, that doesnt stay in memory. It uses a native functionality of Windows to be more efficient. Discover its simplicity: with a single right-click on a folder you change it icon! 
  • Integration with Windows Explorer
FolderIco is integrated into your Windows Explorer! One right-click on any folder and FolderIco is ready to changing your folders icon. 


  • Datafilehost
  • Solidfiles
  • Mirror
Jangan lupa untuk mengunjungi Blog Bulungan-Software ini ya, update software full version tiap hari dengan server handal + direct link, Bookmark Blog ini utk updatean terbaru, dan juga jangan lupa untuk membagikan blog ini kepada teman atau grup kamu!! 

Available link for download

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Copy DVD Movies to Xtreamer Ultra Full HD Media Player

Copy DVD Movies to Xtreamer Ultra Full HD Media Player

Summary: This article will show you how to easily and quickly convert DVD movies to Xtreamer Ultra Full HD Media Player supported video formats for watching on your HDTV.
What Xtreamer have done with the Ultra is to offer a nettop type mini-computer with a layer of software adapted for multimedia playback. This souped up HTPC with its Atom processor and 4 GB of RAM comes with a Linux OS that has been reworked by Xtreamer to provide XBMC or Boxee straight to the user. Xtreamer Ultra is really a gorgeous Full HD media player. With it, you can easily play your personal and Internet media files on your TVs big screen. So it will be a delightful experience to enjoy your DVD movies on your HDTV via Xtreamer Ultra. However, Xtreamer Ultra Full HD Media Player doesnt support DVD discs. 

To complete your task, you need the assistant of a DVD ripping program that is capable of copying DVD files to Xtreamer Media Player. Here Pavtube ByteCopy is highly recommended to help your rip DVD movies (including protected commercial DVD movies) to Xtreamer Ultra Full HD Media Player supported MKV, WMV, MP4, AVI, VOB, MOV, etc. so that you can play your DVD movies on HDTV via Xtreamer Ultra Full HD Media Player without any limitations! Here is the reivew

Why choose Pavtube ByteCopy for DVD Movies to Xtreamer Media Player backup:

  • Lossless video quality. Pavtube ByteCopy can copy DVD contents to MKV without changing anything. You get highest possible video quality, i.e. original DVD video contents, just in a different container format. And WD TV Live handles DVD contents well.
  • Fast forward and chapter locating. Original chapter structure is preserved. You can quickly skip to any chapter you like when playing MKV.
  • Proper subtitles display. Pavtube ByteCopy converts the subtitles to vobsub which is more compatible when play on Western Digital players.
  • Flexible audio output. Audiophiles can pass-through Dolby TrueHD, DTS-MA, and LPCM audio to MKV so as to send the audio to AV receiver for de-coding and reproducing the surround sound faithfully (studio effects). Average users can down convert 7.1 audio to Dolby Digital 5.1 or stereo.
Pavtube ByteCopy always keeps a pace with latest DVD copy-protections, and registered users can upgrade Pavtube ByteCopy for free whenever a new version is released. 

Good News! To thanks for your continuous support, Pavtube Official Website and Pavtube Facebook are now holding the biggest sale for this Weekend with fantastic 35% off discounts and giveaway. Pay less to get powerful Blu-ray/DVD/Video Converter to build your own home media center on this Weekend of Nov.13~Nov.20 2015!

How to Convert and Rip DVD to Xtreamer Ultra Full HD Media Player

Download the DVD Ripper for Xtreamer Media Player:


Other Download:

- Pavtube old official address: http://www.pavtube.cn/bytecopy/
- Cnet Download: http://download.cnet.com/Pavtube-ByteCopy/3000-7970_4-76158512.html

Note: This guide uses DVD Ripper for Windows (Windows 10 compatible) screenshots. The way to rip DVD on Mac (El Capitan and Yosemite) is the same. Just make sure youve downloaded the right version according to your situation. 

Step 1: Load DVD movie.

There are several ways to import DVD into ByteCopy. You could either load Blu-ray from disc drive, or add DVD folder, DVD ISO/IFO files from local drive.

Step 2: Choose format and set profile.

Select the optimized video format for output. In order to save original audio tracks, chapter markerssubtitles, etc, you are suggested to choose "Multi-track Video" "Lossless/encoded Multi-track MKV(*.mkv)" as output format.

Step 3. Adjust Video/Audio/Subtitle settings

Enter Settings and you can adjust profile presets as you desire. Remove unwanted audio/subtitle track, encode audio, etc.

Step 4: Convert DVD to Xtreamer Media Player.

Hit on the "Convert" button and start ripping DVD to lossless MKV format. Thanks to its powerful features, it would take about half an hour to complete the task. 

Open output folder and find the ripped MKV file. Now you can watch DVD on Xtreamer Ultra Full HD Media Player with original audio track preserving without hassle.

Read More:

  • Play and Download YouTube Videos Using VLC Media Player
  • Convert DVD to HD MKV via Mede8er Multi-Media player at home on Mac
  • Play 2D/3D/4K Blu-ray on LG105UC9 with No Restriction
  • Three Methods of Lossless Backup Blu-ray on Mac El Capitan
  • Convert HD Videos to WD TV Live Media Player

Available link for download

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Flowchart Menghitung Nilai Rata rata Mahasiswa

Flowchart Menghitung Nilai Rata rata Mahasiswa

Lihat Algoritmanya disini

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Firmware Vivo Y15 By JOGJA CELL

Firmware Vivo Y15 By JOGJA CELL

Oke kali ini saya akan shared firmware VIVO Y15 DALAM bentuk BIN FILE. Kemaren ada salah satu teman sekaligus guru saya meminta firmware untuk Vivo Y15 dan kebetulan saya gak punya nah hari ini kebetulan saya main ketempat teman yang kebetulan juga tukang service handphone pas ada masuk servisan VIVO Y15 maka kesempatan deh saya read handphone tersebut. File ini lumayan besar dalam bentuk rar ukurannya 1.9 gb lumayan besar kan silakan dowload firmwarenya disini;
  • vivo y15 Volcano BY JOGJA CELL>>>Link dowload siap link sengaja saya samarkan
  • Untuk Informasi Link sms ke 081369499986
  • Salam JOGJA CELL
Spesifikasi Vivo Y15
Jaringan2G GSM, 3G WCDMA
Dimensi130.4 x 65.8 x 8.9 mm
LayarIPS 4.5 inchi, Resolusi 854 x 480 pixels
Sistem OperasiFuntouch OS (based on Android 4.2)
ChipsetQuad-core 1.3GHz
Memory4 Giga ROM
Kamera Depan2 MP
Kamera Belakang5 MP
Baterai1900 mAh Li-Po battery

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Sunday, January 29, 2017

Control PC With Eyes

Control PC With Eyes

Control your PC with your eyes 
best software.
Latest software.

Click Here To Direct Download

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Saturday, January 28, 2017

Débuter avec MySQL

Débuter avec MySQL

Voici une petite aide mémoire pour débuter avec MySQL.


·         BASE :
Créer :
>create database nom_BD ;
Supprimer :
>drop database nom_BD ;
Renommer :
Il suffit de renommer le dossier correspondant au nom de la base.
Voir la liste des BD existants :
>show databases ;
Utiliser une base :
>use nom_BD ;
·         RELATION (Table):
Créer :
>create table nom_rel(liste des attribut avec leur declations);
Supprimer :
>drop table nom_rel ;
Renommer :
>alter table nom_rel rename nouveau_nom_rel
Voir la liste des relations existantes :
>show tables ;
·         ATTRIBUT (Colonne) :
Créer :
Les attributs sont automatiquement créés lors de la création de la relation.
Supprimer :
>alter table nom_rel drop nom_attrib ;
Ajouter un nouvel attribut :
>alter table nom_rel add nouveau_attrib definition_ nouveau_attrib [not null] [first | after prec_attrib] ;
Supprimer un attribut :
>alter table nom_rel drop nom_attrib ;
Ajouter une clé primaire :
>alter table nom_rel add primary key (nom_attrib) ;
Supprimer la clé primaire :
>alter table nom_rel drop primary key ;
Ajouter une contrainte d’unicité :
>alter table nom_rel add unique(nom_attrib1, nom_attrib_2,…) ;
Supprimer la contrainte d’unicité :
On ne peut pas supprimer la contrainte.
Ajouter un index :
>alter table nom_rel add index nom_index(liste des attributs) ;
Supprimer un index :
>alter table nom_rel drop index nom_index ;
Renommer tout en modifiant sa définition :
>alter table nom_rel change nom_attrib nouveau_nom_attrib nouvelle_definition ;
Modifier uniquement sa definition :
>alter table nom_rel modify nom_attrib nouvelle_definition ;
·         ENREGISTREMENT (tuple) :
Créer :
>insert into nom_rel (nom_attrib1, nom_attrib_2,…) values (val_attrib1,val_attrib2,…);
Supprimer :
>delete from nom_rel where condition ;
>optimize table nom_rel ;
Modifier :
>update nom_rel set nom_attrib=val_attrib where condition  [limit nb];
Sélectionner :
>select nom_rel1.nom_attrib1,nom_attribx,… from nom_rel1,nom_rel2,… where condition ;
·         Les conditions et critères de sélections :
Les operateurs arithmétiques et logiques:
-           les parenthèses ( ),
-           les opérateurs arithmétiques (+, -, *, /, %),
-           les opérateurs binaires (<, <<, >, >>, |, &),
-           les opérateurs logiques qui retournent 0 (faux) ou 1 (vrai) (AND, OR, NOT, BETWEEN, IN),
-           les opérateurs relationnels (<, <=, =, >, >=, <>).
BETWEEN s’utilise  toujours avec AND : BETWEEN 654 AND 987 
IN s’utilise lors d’une série de valeurs contenues dans une liste : IN (val1, val2, …)
Comparaison des chaines :
On peut utiliser le mot clé LIKE.
Les caractères génériques :
% : équivaut à aucun ou plusieurs caractères
_ : équivaut obligatoirement à un et un seul caractère.
Ex : select * from ELEVE where nom LIKE «%pon%»
Alors, tous les noms contenant la chaine « pon » comme Dupond, Dupont,… seront sélectionnées

Ce sera tout pour le moment!

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Extra IT Global Optimization Laboratory dedicated to the memory of Gerardo Poggiali

Extra IT Global Optimization Laboratory dedicated to the memory of Gerardo Poggiali

Today at 5.00 PM in via di Santa Marta 3 (Firenze) - aula Caminetto, the Global Optimization Laboratory dedicated to the memory of Gerardo Poggiali will give a short presentation of its activities




I had the opportunity to met Gerardo Poggiali more than 20 Years ago when we was studing at Engineer Florence University and, considering his suddenly death, I am publishing this event that will happen today in Santa Marta, I could not be there but I have a very good memory about him.

[update 2016.06.16]

Here is

Video di una giornata di presentazione del laboratorio GOL - webgol.dinfo.unifi.it presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria dellInformazione dellUniversità degli Studi di Firenze.

Available link for download

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Friday, January 27, 2017

Download Windows 8 for Android

Download Windows 8 for Android



Get ready for an entirely new experience on your phone! This launcher allows your phone to emulate a windows 8 PC on your Android device. You can replace this home application with the default one and access everything on your phone through Windows 8 for Android. You can add tiles with your favorite applications on the home screen as well as your most used apps like the browser, phone, mail, and messaging. There are also folders so that you can add your favorite games, social, and media apps.


Download Windows 8 for Android
Mirror : Download Windows 8 for Android

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Delta homes Removal Guide

Delta homes Removal Guide

Delta-homes is a browser hijacker that modifies your web browser settings and changes your home page and default search engine to http://www.delta-homes.com. It can seem like its getting harder and harder to spend any amount of time online and not put yourself in harms way of being infected by malware or a virus. With online attacks now big business for the thousands of phishers, scammers and other cyber criminals, its harder than ever before to stay safe. And unlike before when avoiding infection meant simply avoiding illegal downloads, pirated software and adult content websites, now anything, everything and everyone is fair game in an attackers eyes.

Browser hijackers

Just one more thing that have been designed to cause us irritation when were browsing the internet, delta-homes and similar browser hijackers, search engines that will, without warning, take the place of your existing ones. Youll log on to your computer only to find that delta-homes.com has got rid of your existing one for you and replaced it. Thatd be fine if the replacement home page was better than your original - or at least equal to it in functionality – but that wont be the case. After all, the major search engines and operating systems know what theyre doing when it comes to giving you search capabilities – more so, Im willing to bet, than some bedroom programmer/spammer. Unlike most browser hijackers, it displays different home pages for users from different regions, in other words it has a pretty decent localization module. However, thats not really useful and probably wont convince you to use it instead of Google or Bing. Besides, its actually a pseudo search engine because it redirects users to govome.inspsearch.com and other websites that simply grab search results from Yahoo or Google.

If youve had a new delta-homes home page foisted upon you, chances are youre wondering how to stop it from happening again in the future. Well unfortunately there is no great catch all answer to the problem but, of course, there are a number of practical steps you can take; exercising more caution when youre using the internet being just one of them.

Of course, installing a good anti-malware program on your PC is your first line of defense in the war against online parasites and this will stand you in far better stead of staying safe when youre connected to the World Wide Web. However the problem is that when it comes to browser hijackers, the fact that they are designated potentially unwanted can lead many anti-malware solutions to be fooled by them and view them as potentially wanted instead. Its two sides of the same coin.

What does delta-homes do?

It has quite a few unappealing features. Delta-homes might download adware onto your PC so that youll be subjected to non-stop pop-up adverts. It generally makes your computer run more slowly and it can cause your internet connection to slow down or keep crashing too. And of course, as mentioned a moment ago, one of its very favorite things to do is to hijack your browser and and change your home page to delta-homes. And in the majority of cases, these browser hijackers are merely a means for manipulating your web searches and redirecting them to websites that the browser hijackers programmers wants you to visit instead of the destination you were aiming for.

How does delta-homes end up on your PC?

Delta-homes is normally packaged with other programs, meaning when you download Program A you could also be downloading a browser hijacker! The solution: read license agreements properly and check or uncheck boxes mentioning add-ons.

How do I remove delta-homes?

Delta-homes removal can be a tedious task. It modifies browser settings and also makes modifications to Windows registry. Hopefully, the removal guide below will help you to remove this browser hijacker from your computer. If you have any questions, please leave a comment down below. Good luck and be safe online!

Written by Michael Kaur, http://deletemalware.blogspot.com

Delta-homes Removal Guide:

1. First of all, download recommended anti-malware software and run a full system scan. It will detect and remove this browser hijacker from your computer. You may then follow the manual removal instructions below to remove the leftover traces of this infection. Hopefully you wont have to do that.

2. Uninstall delta-homes related programs from your computer using the Add/Remove Programs control panel (Windows XP) or Uninstall a program control panel (Windows 7 and Windows 8).

Go to the Start Menu. Select Control Panel ? Add/Remove Programs.
If you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7, select Control Panel ? Uninstall a Program.

If you are using Windows 8, simply drag your mouse pointer to the right edge of the screen, select Search from the list and search for "control panel".

Or you can right-click on a bottom left hot corner (formerly known as the Start button) and select Control panel from there.

3. When the Add/Remove Programs or the Uninstall a Program screen is displayed, scroll through the list of currently installed programs and remove eSave Security Control, GoPlayer, Desk 365 and any other recently installed application. It wont be listed as delta-homes.com in the currently installed programs list. So, either look for applications mentioned here or try to remember what software you installed recently. Its probably the culprit.

Simply select the application and click Remove. If you are using Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8, click Uninstall up near the top of that window. When youre done, please close the Control Panel screen.

Remove delta-homes from Google Chrome:

1. Click on Customize and control Google Chrome icon. Select Settings.

2. Click Set pages under the On startup.

Remove delta-homes.com by clicking the "X" mark as shown in the image below.

3. Click Show Home button under Appearance. Then click Change.

Select Use the New Tab page and click OK to save changes.

4. Click Manager search engines button under Search.

Select Google or any other search engine you like from the list and make it your default search engine provider.

Select delta-homes.com from the list and remove it by clicking the "X" mark as shown in the image below.

5. Right-click the Google Chrome shortcut you are using to open your web browser and select Properties.

6. Select Shortcut tab and remove "http://www.delta-homes.com...." from the Target field and click OK to save changes. Basically, there should be only the path to Chrome executable file. Nothing more.

Remove delta-homes from Mozilla Firefox:

1. In the URL address bar, type about:config and hit Enter.

Click Ill be careful, I promise! to continue.

In the search filter at the top, type: delta-homes

Now, you should see all the preferences that were changed by delta-homes. Right-click on the preference and select Reset to restore default value. Reset all found preferences!

4. Right-click the Mozilla Firefox shortcut you are using to open your web browser and select Properties.

5. Select Shortcut tab and remove "http://www.delta-homes.com...." from the Target field and click OK to save changes. Basically, there should be only the path to Firefox executable file.

Remove delta-homes in Internet Explorer:

1. Open Internet Explorer. Go to Tools ? Manage Add-ons.

2. Select Search Providers. First of all, choose Live Search search engine and make it your default web search provider (Set as default).

3. Select delta-homes.com and click Remove to remove it. Close the window.

4. Right-click the Internet Explorer shortcut you are using to open your web browser and select Properties.

5. Select Shortcut tab and remove "http://www.delta-homes.com...." from the Target field and click OK to save changes. Basically, there should be only the path to Internet Explorer executable file.

6. Finally, go to Tools ? Internet Options and restore your home page to default. Thats it!

Available link for download

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Download ImRAT V 0 1 Beta 2 Gratis

Download ImRAT V 0 1 Beta 2 Gratis

ImRAT Beta 2
ScreenShot ImRAT Beta 2
Bingung apa yang mau saya post kan, ya sudah saya post tentang software ini saja..katanya sih ini software hacker, software untuk keperluan hacking..dan software ini dijual "menurut rumor yang beredar" tapi kali ini saya akan membagikannya secara Gratis, dan kamu dapat men-Download ImRAT Gratis Semua Versi:

Incl. ImRAT Version ::

  • ImRAT V.0.1
  • ImRAT Beta 2
Jangan tanya fungsinya buat apa, saya tidak tau, saya bukan hacker soalnya.
Tapi, menurut hasil pencarian saya di mbah google, software ini dapat melakukan hacking dan cracking dengan mudah..semisal:
  • Mengendalkian PC orang lain/meremote
  • Mengendalikan Cam
  • Dll, masih banyak lagi.

Fitur-Fitur ImRAT ::

  • Remote File Manager
  • Remote Desktop
  • Remote Cam
  • Process Manager
  • Text to spech
  • Microphone
  • Run --> Download and run & Send file and run
  • Star Process
  • DDOS Attack
  • Open Website
  • Keylogger
  • Get Password
  • Server --> update, uninstal, disconnect, restart
  • Computer --> Logoff, Restart, Shutdown
  • Dll

Bagi kamu yang tertarik ingin mencoba ImRAT ini, silahkan didownload gratis.

Download ImRAT V.0.1 Gratis + Download ImRAT Beta 2 Gratis:
  • Via Usercloud
  • Via Tusfiles
  • Via Solidfiles
Untuk kedepannya, jika rame saya akan membagikan tutorial beserta toolnya.

Available link for download

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Firmware ADVAN EIC PRO RILIS 2015 12 02

Firmware ADVAN EIC PRO RILIS 2015 12 02

Oke kali ini admin mendapatkan kasus di ADVAN E1C PRO dengan kasus hank logo saya pikir handphone ini sama seperti yang sudah-sudah dan ternyata setelah saya eksekusi kok ada pesan eror di SP FLASH TOOLNYA. Setelah cek di ricek masalahnya ternyata ada di keduanya yaitu di versi SP FLASHNYA dan versi firmwarenya. Oke mari ki dowload bahan-bahannya di bawah ini:
  • Firmware ADVAN E1C Pro rilis 2015-12-02
  • Link Perbaikkan ADVAN E1C PRO
  • Sp Flash Tool Versi Terbaru Dapatkan Disini Dowload Yang Paling Baru Ya
Lanjut Kelangkah Flashing:
  • Setelah semuanya di dowload silakan extrack
  • Buka Sp Flahnya
  • Jangan Lupa Centang Bagian Ini
  • Load Scatter Dan Flashing
  • Dan Hasilnya Jren Handphone Kembali Normal
  • Salam JOGJA CELL
Demikian artikel pada kali ini sampai berjumpa di artikel saya yang selanjutnya
Informasi password silakn sms ke 081369499986

Available link for download

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Download Modern Combat 5 Black Out apk Mod

Download Modern Combat 5 Black Out apk Mod

Room Rom - Di postingan kali ini saya akan coba share kembali game buat Android dengan grafis yang luar biasa. Game dengan serial FPS ini memang sudah populer, dan kini mengeluarkan lagi versi teranyarnya. Modern Combat 5 Blackout adalah nama yang diberikan Gameloft untuk game terbarunya ini. Game yang cukup menguras kuota ini menurut saya sebanding dengan kualitas game play dan Grafis yang diberikan.
Berikut deskripsi dan fitur terbaru Modern Combat 5 Blackout
> "Kontrol Sharp, grafis yang mengesankan." - Pocket GamerStep ke tindakan sebagai serial terbaru dalam seri FPS terbaik menimbulkan bar untuk game shooter sekali lagi! Buat skuad, tambahkan teman dan ujii individu serta keterampilan tim Anda terhadap pasukan lain dalam perang multiplayer yang dinamis! apakah anda pemain tunggal? Kemudian masuk ke dunia di ambang anarki dan menembak jalan keluar dari satu situasi yang mengerikan demi satu untuk mengekspos orang gila yang mencoba untuk merobek dunia sampai hancur.

> 5 kelas yang disesuaikan dan anda dapat naik level
> Cari gaya bermain seragam anda: Assault, berat, Recon, atau Sniper
> Aktifkan keterampilan-kelas khusus dengan mendapatkan dan mengeluarkan Keterampilan PointsHIGH-POWERED MULTIPLAYER
> Tim Epic bentrokan di Squad vs Skuad pertandingan
> Bicaralah dengan pemain lain di global dan Squad Obrolan
> Individu dan Squad leaderboards
> Win imbalan keren dalam terbatas-waktu eventsUNIFIED PERTANDINGAN PROGRESSION
> Kumpulkan XP dan tingkat atas dengan bermain baik misi single-player dan multiplayer pertandingan
> Aktifkan senjata yang lebih tinggi-tier dengan menguasai yang lebih rendah-tier
> Customize senjata yang sempurna dengan menggunakan sejumlah lampiran dan melompat langsung ke KAMPANYE actionINTENSE SOLO
> Misi cerita Cepat serba dengan berbagai tantangan yang membawa Anda dari Tokyo ke Venesia
> Bermain misi Spec Ops-baru untuk FPS adrenalin nyata
> Grafis Flawless, musik dan suara pertunjukan sempurna disesuaikan untuk game shooter
KONTROL dikustomisasi
> Intuitif, kontrol sangat disesuaikan sehingga Anda dapat bermain game seperti yang Anda inginkan
Modern Combat 5 mendukung permainan controller HID. Moga Pro juga didukung, dalam mode B (HID Mode).

Anda bisa mendownloadnya di Play store dengan mengklik link berikut. Download via Play Store
Atau juga bisa mendownload versi Apk + data + mod yang bisa anda download di link dibawah ini:
Download via revdl.net

Cara Install dan Download Modern Combat 5 Black Out Apk + Mod
  1. Download APK [v1]
  2. Download Main Data
  3. Download Levels Data
  4. install apk [v1]
  5. Copy Main Data Android/obb/
  6. Copy Levels Data Android/data/
  7. Jalankan  Gamenya
  8. Jika anda mengalami masalah,. Download APK [v2] kemudian install
  9. Jalankan Gamenya.
Selamat Mencoba.... Baca juga artikel dibawah ini:
Download GTA San Andreas apk + mod

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