Saturday, January 28, 2017

Extra IT Global Optimization Laboratory dedicated to the memory of Gerardo Poggiali

Extra IT Global Optimization Laboratory dedicated to the memory of Gerardo Poggiali

Today at 5.00 PM in via di Santa Marta 3 (Firenze) - aula Caminetto, the Global Optimization Laboratory dedicated to the memory of Gerardo Poggiali will give a short presentation of its activities



I had the opportunity to met Gerardo Poggiali more than 20 Years ago when we was studing at Engineer Florence University and, considering his suddenly death, I am publishing this event that will happen today in Santa Marta, I could not be there but I have a very good memory about him.

[update 2016.06.16]

Here is

Video di una giornata di presentazione del laboratorio GOL - presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria dellInformazione dellUniversità degli Studi di Firenze.

Available link for download