Thursday, October 6, 2016
Exchange 2010 Configuring the Change Password Feature in Outlook Web App
Exchange 2010 Configuring the Change Password Feature in Outlook Web App
If you want to give users ability to change password via OWA when they are Out of Office and withouth askint any IT support followingn procedure could be a very good solution.
Here they are original Microsoft articles:
IIS restarting parameters
You need to change on all CAS this register value:
- Log on to the Client Access server.
- Start Registry Editor (regedit).
- Locate the following registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesMSExchange OWA.
- Create the following DWORD value if it doesnt already exist: ChangeExpiredPasswordEnabled. The value type will be REG_DWORD.
- Set the value of ChangeExpiredPasswordEnabled to 1.
- Exit Registry Editor.
- After you configure this DWORD value, you must reset IIS. The recommended method to reset IIS is to use IISReset /noforce from a command prompt.
- The /noforce parameter is recommended as a safeguard against data loss in case the IIS services cannot all be stopped within the one minute timeout period. If you are certain that it is safe to force IIS to restart, you can omit the /noforce parameter. In addition,
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